Shakespeare and Butter Beer
Yesterday most of us went to Stratford-upon-Avon. None of us had heard about it before. Shakespeare we'd heard of, though, and that's one of the reasons we went. In Stratford we saw the Creaky Cauldron, where we bought butter beer. It's a non-alcoholic drink and the same kind as the Harry Potter actors drank when making the films. By the way, we met one of the actors in Oxford the other day. The guy who plays Dean Thomas. He's not as young any more, but in fact more handsome. ;)
We also saw Shakespeares house in Stratford. Actually, only the floor is from his days and the rest is reconstructed. The area was full of tourists, so not all of us got the magic feeling from walking in the footsteps of a 16th century playwright. Some of us did, though.
(written in St James' Park close to Buckingham Palace)
We also saw Shakespeares house in Stratford. Actually, only the floor is from his days and the rest is reconstructed. The area was full of tourists, so not all of us got the magic feeling from walking in the footsteps of a 16th century playwright. Some of us did, though.
(written in St James' Park close to Buckingham Palace)